November, 2015 | Elite Plastic Surgery

Abdominal Sculpting – Tummy Tuck Surgery Miami

To get rid of excess skin and fat while tightening their abdominal muscles, many patients come in for the abdominal sculpting procedure known as the tummy tuck. Is this procedure right for you? You may be an ideal candidate for abdominal sculpting if you are at a steady weight and are not planning on having any more children. Patients who[…]

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Liposuction Procedure – Miami Post-Pregnancy

There are many procedures and techniques that can be included in a patient’s Mommy Makeover. One of the most versatile of these is the liposuction procedure, which is the perfect choice to get rid of the excess fat that can form on the body during the pregnancy process. A liposuction procedure can be used to resculpt many regions of the[…]

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Augmentation Lift Procedure Recovery – Implants Miami

To restore or enhance breast volume while also lifting the breasts, we offer the augmentation lift procedure. Patients who are interested in this procedure should learn as much as possible about the augmentation lift procedure recovery process before undergoing their surgery. Two weeks after the augmentation lift procedure, massaging the breasts may be recommended. Breast implants often ride high on[…]

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Butt Augmentation – Miami Enhancement Procedure

The buttocks is a part of the body that can offer a great deal of aesthetic appeal. Though the use of silicone implants, we are able to enhance this region during butt augmentation surgery. When it comes to butt augmentation, patients are often eligible for two types of incisions. One option, an incision made between the bottom of the cheek[…]

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