March, 2016 | Elite Plastic Surgery

Tummy Tuck – Diastasis Recti Miami

After pregnancy, many women find that they are now experiencing diastasis recti, a type of change to the muscles of the abdominal wall. The muscles become loose and separated from each other, sagging and creating unwanted bulges and an overall swollen appearance. This issue can be addressed with a tummy tuck. Diastasis recti cannot be fixed through exercise, since this[…]

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Juvederm – Miami Mommy Makeover Injectables

For your Mommy Makeover, your plastic surgeon may recommend the use of dermal fillers in order to restore youthful features. These injectables ease away facial wrinkles. One of the most popular dermal fillers is Juvederm. Juvederm is a dermal filler composed of hyaluronic acid. In its natural form, this substance is a liquid found in the body, where it provides[…]

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Augmentation Mastopexy Healing – Sun Exposure Miami

Augmentation mastopexy healing is a key part of the breast augmentation and lift process. One aspect of the healing period will be proper care of the incisions that are created during the surgical procedure. It will be important for patients to wait until incisions have healed to do any sort of tanning, as this can potentially cause incision issues. Heavy[…]

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