Donut Mastopexy Miami | Elite Plastic Surgery

Donut Mastopexy – Miami Incision Patterns

September 4, 2015

During your breast lift consultation, you will discuss numerous aspects of your mastopexy procedure. One key aspect will be the incision pattern, chosen specifically to help remove the amount of tissue you would like to have removed. You may be interested in a donut mastopexy.

The donut mastopexy involves the creation of a donut incision, also known as a peri-areolar incision. This incision pattern features two concentric circles around each areola. Excess skin and tissue can be removed from the breasts using these precise incisions.

Dr. Moises Salama is a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Miami region. He regularly helps patients achieve their aesthetic goals and would be happy to explain the donut mastopexy and other breast lift options during a consultation. To schedule a consultation, contact us today.

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