Silicone Implants – Implant Options Miami | Elite Plastic Surgery
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Silicone Implants – Implant Options Miami

July 2, 2015

Before breast augmentation, you’ll need to choose between silicone and saline breast implants. If you’re interested in silicone implants but are having trouble choosing between them and the saline variety, it will be helpful to know more about the benefits of silicone implants.

With silicone breast implants, there is a much lower chance of rippling in the skin of the breasts. Rippling is an issue that affects some thinner patients who have a smaller amount of breast tissue. Patients with saline implants are more likely to experience this than those with silicone implants.

To arrange a consultation and find out more about the pros and cons of silicone and saline breast implants, contact our office. Experienced board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Moises Salama frequently performs breast augmentations for satisfied patients in the Miami area.

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