Breast Enhancement Surgery – Bigger Breasts Miami | Elite Plastic Surgery
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Breast Enhancement Surgery – Bigger Breasts Miami

October 24, 2014

For many women, a flat chest can be a source of self-consciousness and self-esteem issues. If you’re experiencing these issues and are looking for a solution, it may be time to learn more about breast enhancement surgery.

With breast enhancement surgery, a plastic surgeon is able to augment the volume of the breasts and enhance the chest. Breast implants are inserted in the tissues of the breasts, adding more shape to the area and increasing breast size.

To find out more about breast implant choices, surgical recovery time, size options, and a variety of other factors involved in breast augmentation surgery, contact our office and arrange a consultation. Skilled, experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Moises Salama will discuss the procedure in greater detail and answer your questions.

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