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j-plasma skin tightening benefits

J-Plasma Benefits

You can’t stop the process of aging and the affects it has on our skin. Skin becomes lax and saggy as cells lose their integrity due to gravity. Add to that, the damages inflicted by sun exposure, genetics, pollutants, diet and more, and the process is accelerated. But don’t lose hope! Thanks to the wonderful advances in plastic surgery, you[…]

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Tightening Loose Skin With J-Plasma

Tightening Loose Skin With J-Plasma

Do you suffer from loose skin or has you skin lost its’ buoyancy? Well, now there’s a revolutionary new procedure that may ideal for you! Renuvion® with J-Plasma® helps tighten loose skin in many areas of the body including the abdomen, back, arms, thighs, chin and more. This minimally invasive procedure combines radiofrequency energy and cold helium plasma to tighten[…]

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Body Lift Procedure – Post-Pregnancy Options Miami

Many of the women who come in for a post-pregnancy Mommy Makeover package are interested in including a body lift procedure. This surgical technique is able to remove loose skin and sculpt many areas of the body at once. After your body lift procedure as part of your Mommy Makeover, you’ll want to preserve those amazing results. Thus, it will[…]

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