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Scarless Tummy Tuck – Miami Endoscopic Abdominoplasty

If the aging process or childbirth has caused your abdominal muscles to become loose and spread apart, you may be interested in a scarless tummy tuck. This procedure tightens the abs, giving you the toned, fit midsection you desire. A scarless tummy tuck, also called an endoscopic tummy tuck, does actually feature some tiny scars. Its name comes from the[…]

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Dorsal Hump – Rhinoplasty Miami Nose Job

People come into plastic surgery practices every day for rhinoplasty surgery to fix issues like a crooked nose, an inverted-V malformation, and a dorsal hump. If your nose has an embarrassing hump, rhinoplasty is a popular option that could be perfect for you. When planning a dorsal hump rhinoplasty with your plastic surgeon, you’ll need to decide the extent of[…]

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Brazilian Butt Lift – Miami Shapely Behind

This summer at the beach, showcase a fuller, shapelier behind – get a Brazilian butt lift! This plastic surgery procedure can not only make your rear end really pop, it also helps you get rid of stubborn fat deposits in other parts of your body. During a Brazilian butt lift, fat cells are taken from trouble areas of the body,[…]

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Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty Surgery Miami

Having a trim tummy is a self-confidence boost. Well-defined ab muscles and a slim waistline look good in the mirror and great on the beach. An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a plastic surgery procedure that can help you get the stomach you’ve been looking for. After the tummy tuck incision is made, the plastic surgeon will[…]

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Breast Reduction – Miami Recovery Process

Following the breast reduction procedure, the recovering breast tissues will need time to heal and fully settle. Physicians recommend being quite careful with the area for at least a month and a half. Even before the breast reduction recovery process is complete, you’ll feel a difference in the amount of strain on the shoulders, neck, and back. Once you’re back[…]

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Breast Reduction – Miami Reduction Mammoplasty

Consider a breast reduction if your breasts are causing you physical issues. These can include neck, shoulder, and back pain, along with problems while playing sports and doing other physical activities. A breast reduction will relieve the strain on your body by removing the excess fat, skin, and glandular tissue from your breasts. This makes a great deal of weight[…]

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Alar Base Reduction – Miami Rhinoplasty Nose Job

If a person’s nose has a wide alar base (the nostril area), an alar base reduction is a viable solution. This type of rhinoplasty surgery can make the nose look narrower. During an alar base reduction consultation, a plastic surgeon will examine the area to determine the exact reason for the wide nose. Typically, either the nostril sills or the[…]

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