Breast Lift | Elite Plastic Surgery
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Augmentation Mastopexy Offers Perkier and Fuller Breasts

Younger-Looking Breasts with Mastopexy

As a staple of femininity, the search for perfect breasts is more prevalent today than ever thanks to the incredible advances in plastic surgery. Nowadays, there is a plethora of breast enhancement procedures and techniques to address specific breast issues and goals for those on the quest. In particular, a breast lift, or mastopexy, helps you achieve the appearance of[…]

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Lift Drooping Breasts

Dropping breasts are a result of aging and cannot be avoided, especially for women with larger breasts. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a procedure that removes sagging loose tissue from the breasts to bring them back to a perkier state. Am I the Right Candidate? Breast lifts can be undergone by anyone who wants to improve the shape and[…]

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Good Breast Lift Candidates – Perky Breasts Miami

The breast lift procedure reshapes the breasts to combat drooping and asymmetry. What makes someone a good breast lift candidate? One factor that should be taken into account is plans for additional children. If a patient is interested in having more children, a breast lift is not recommended. Pregnancy and breastfeeding cause the breasts to experience changes in shape; if[…]

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Breast Lift Surgery – Miami Breast Sag Causes

Breast sagging, technically known as “ptosis,” is a common problem that many women experience. If you are unhappy with your own breast ptosis and are ready for a change, consider breast lift surgery. Sagging breasts are caused by things like breastfeeding, dramatic weight loss, the aging process, pregnancy, and genetic factors. With breast lift surgery, we are able to combat[…]

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Crescent Breast Lift – Incision Options Miami

To better fulfill every patient’s breast lift needs, we offer a variety of breast lift techniques. One common incision technique for the breast lift procedure is the crescent breast lift. The crescent breast lift technique features the creation of a small crescent-shaped incision in the skin at the top border of the areola. A crescent of excess skin is removed,[…]

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Crescent Lift – Miami Breast Lift Techniques

To raise the breasts by trimming away excess tissue, many patients come in for a breast lift procedure. The least extreme breast lift technique available is the crescent lift. The crescent lift incision pattern is best suited for breast lifts performed on patients with smaller breasts or breasts that do not droop dramatically. It is used to remove a minor[…]

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Donut Mastopexy – Miami Incision Patterns

During your breast lift consultation, you will discuss numerous aspects of your mastopexy procedure. One key aspect will be the incision pattern, chosen specifically to help remove the amount of tissue you would like to have removed. You may be interested in a donut mastopexy. The donut mastopexy involves the creation of a donut incision, also known as a peri-areolar[…]

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Anchor Lift Incision – Miami Mastopexy Incision Pattern

When you need a great deal of tissue removed to achieve your desired breast lift results, the anchor lift incision is most likely your best option. In order to create an anchor lift incision pattern, the plastic surgeon must mark the intended new location of the areola. Two diagonal lines come down from the side of this, and two curved[…]

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Mastopexy Surgery Recovery – Miami Healing Process

Are you interested in a breast lift? Also known as a mastopexy, the breast lift is an effective method of lifting the breasts to restore perkiness and shape. Mastopexy surgery recovery is a necessary part of this procedure, so it’s helpful to learn more about it. Many surgical procedures require you to take time off from your job to recuperate,[…]

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Anchor Lift – Miami Breast Lift Procedure

When performing a breast lift procedure to enhance your breasts, your plastic surgeon will use a specialized incision depending on the amount of breast sagging you are experiencing. One option is the anchor lift. The anchor lift is the most comprehensive type of breast lift incision pattern. With this incision, your plastic surgeon will be able to remove a great[…]

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