Abdominoplasty | Elite Plastic Surgery - Part 2

Mini Abdominoplasty – Incision Pattern Miami

Lax muscle tissue and fatty deposits in the abdominal area can contribute to the appearance of a flabby stomach. If exercise and diet aren’t reducing the flab, it may be time to consider a mini abdominoplasty. This procedure can give your lower abdomen a fit, contoured look. For your mini abdominoplasty, your plastic surgeon will create a small incision above[…]

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Abdominoplasty Surgery – Incisions Miami

To remove the excess skin that comes along with major weight loss, along with any leftover stubborn fat pockets and drooping internal muscle tissue, plastic surgeons offer abdominoplasty surgery. Part of abdominoplasty surgery is closing the incision after the plastic surgeon has removed the targeted tissues. An incision for a full tummy tuck stretches from one hipbone to the other[…]

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Abdominoplasty – Tummy Tuck Procedure Miami

Having great abs and a trim tummy is a real boost to one’s self-confidence. Unfortunately, despite consistent exercise and dieting, hanging skin and stubborn fat will often cling on for dear life. An abdominoplasty is a very effective way to remedy this situation. Your plastic surgeon can trim away excess skin and fatty deposits using a combination of liposuction and[…]

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