August, 2014 | Elite Plastic Surgery

Augmentation Lift – Miami Breast Procedures

Want to make your breasts look more attractive? One method of enhancing the breasts is with an augmentation lift, a combination of a breast augmentation and a breast lift. A breast augmentation is done to add volume and size to the breasts. A breast lift, on the other hand, is performed in order to refine the shape of the breasts[…]

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Mini Abdominoplasty Recovery – Drains Miami

During surgery, one of the body’s healing responses to tissue alteration is the production of fluid and blood. When these liquids build up in the skin, it can cause complications such as seromas and hematomas. Part of mini abdominoplasty recovery may be dealing with these liquids to prevent complications. In order to avoid these complications during mini abdominoplasty recovery, your[…]

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Breast Ptosis – Breast Lift Miami Sagging

As a result of aging and the effects of gravity, breasts can experience varying degrees of sagging, otherwise known as breast ptosis grades. Different types of breast lift are available to correct each. Grade I breast ptosis, or 1st degree ptosis, is the least amount of breast sagging out of all three grade classifications. Grade II ptosis, or 2nd degree[…]

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Mini Tummy Tuck Recovery – Miami Reducing Swelling

After you get your lower abdomen recontoured and tightened, you’ll need to rest and heal up. The mini tummy tuck recovery process is most likely to go well when you pay attention to your plastic surgeon’s directions. Swelling in the tissues of the lower abdominal area is a normal result of the procedure. This can be controlled and reduced with[…]

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