Tummy Tuck | Elite Plastic Surgery - Part 2

Abdominal Contouring – Miami Healthy Lifestyle

If you’ve ever looked down at your stomach and felt self-conscious about excess fat, sagging skin, or stretch marks, you may be excited to hear about abdominal contouring surgery. Also known as a tummy tuck, this procedure is perfect for giving the abdomen a fit, trim appearance. Once you have received abdominal contouring, it is recommended that you maintain a[…]

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Partial Tummy Tuck Surgery – Mini Tuck Miami

Partial tummy tuck surgery is a method of resculpting and recontouring the lower abdomen, resulting in a tighter and more toned stomach. When you come in for partial tummy tuck surgery, expect your procedure to take around one to three hours to perform. Your surgery will be on the shorter side of this if you have less skin, fat, and[…]

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Mini Tummy Tuck Recovery Process – Stomach Miami

A mini tummy tuck is a great way to give your stomach a new, fit, trim look. If you’re interested, it will be helpful to learn about the mini tummy tuck recovery process. The recovery process for a mini tummy tuck surgery is typically a shorter, easier, and more comfortable one than the full tummy tuck recovery process. This is[…]

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Body Lift – Mommy Makeover Package Miami

If you’re a mother who misses her pre-pregnancy body, you may be interested in a restorative combination package of procedures known as the Mommy Makeover. One option for your Mommy Makeover package is the body lift, a comprehensive tightening procedure. Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can cause an accumulation of excess drooping skin in many areas of the body. During a[…]

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Lower Abdominal Contouring – Tummy Tuck Miami

Tired of that sagging tummy? Do you ever wish you could get your lower abdomen in shape? Lower abdominal contouring, also known as a mini tummy tuck, will help you get the taut, toned abdomen you’ve been looking for. Lower abdominal contouring is an excellent alternative to the full abdominoplasty procedure for many patients. Part of its appeal is that[…]

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Tummy Tuck Surgery Recovery – Miami Abdominoplasty

The tummy tuck surgery recovery process is a vital one, as it can determine the likelihood of complications and the quality of your results. Make sure to follow your plastic surgeon’s directions to the letter. For part of your tummy tuck recovery period, you may need to take care of surgical drains. These tubes, which are placed after abdominoplasty surgery,[…]

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Tummy Tuck Surgery – Miami Body Contouring

Excess drooping skin, excess fatty tissue, and drooping muscles tissue are all issues that can affect the abdomen over the years. For a tight, sculpted tummy in no time flat, consider tummy tuck surgery. The consultation is one of the most important parts of preparing for a tummy tuck surgery. During this consultation, you and your plastic surgeon will discuss[…]

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Partial Tummy Tuck Recovery – Healing Miami

A flabby lower abdomen can be a cause of embarrassment and self-consciousness in public situations. To remove that excess fat and tighten the area, consider a partial tummy tuck. With this surgery, it’s important to remember that partial tummy tuck recovery will be required. While you’re experiencing partial tummy tuck recovery, you’ll need to be very careful with the tissues[…]

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Tummy Tuck Recovery – Miami Abdominoplasty

A tummy tuck can give a patient a fitter, slimmer abdomen. Part of the tummy tuck recovery process is supporting the newly recontoured abdominal tissues. Because the tummy tuck involves tightening muscles with sutures, removing excess skin, and taking out excess fatty tissue, the composition of the area may be quite different following the surgery. To help the remaining tissues[…]

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Partial Tummy Tuck – Miami Body Procedures

During a partial tummy tuck, your plastic surgeon will remove excess skin from your lower abdomen. Any unwanted pockets of fatty tissue will be addressed with liposuction, and lax muscle tissue may be tightened. These surgical techniques result in a slim, toned lower abdomen. One key difference between the partial tummy tuck and the full tummy tuck procedure is the[…]

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