Breast Lift | Elite Plastic Surgery - Part 2

Lollipop Lift Procedure – Miami Lift Options

Sagging breasts can be a hindrance to everyday activities and can cause self-esteem issues. A breast lift is an effective way to restore your breasts to a perkier and more natural appearance. One option for the breast lift is the lollipop lift procedure. Which patients are best suited for the lollipop lift procedure? Women who have medium-sized breasts and are[…]

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Lollipop Lift – Miami Mastopexy Incisions

The mastopexy, or breast lift, gives patients perkier breasts. Many mastopexy options are available to patients, including the lollipop lift. One of the main differences between the various types of mastopexies is the shape and location of the incision used. The lollipop lift specifically involves a line that curves around the areola and splits off into two lines coming downward[…]

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Breast Lift Recovery – Post-Operative Care Miami

Women looking for a way to reverse the effects of gravity’s pull on the breasts may be interested in a breast lift. The breast lift offers a method of helping breasts go from saggy to perky and youthful. If this sounds like the right procedure for you, it’s helpful to also look into the breast lift recovery process. During a[…]

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Breast Ptosis – Breast Lift Miami Sagging

As a result of aging and the effects of gravity, breasts can experience varying degrees of sagging, otherwise known as breast ptosis grades. Different types of breast lift are available to correct each. Grade I breast ptosis, or 1st degree ptosis, is the least amount of breast sagging out of all three grade classifications. Grade II ptosis, or 2nd degree[…]

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Mastopexy Recovery – Post-Operative Care Miami

If you’re interested in a breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, you’ll need to come in for a consultation. During that consultation, one aspect of the procedure your plastic surgeon will teach you about is mastopexy recovery. After your breast lift, your plastic surgeon may insert plastic tubes called drains into your incisions. These will be useful for removing[…]

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Mastopexy – Miami Incision Options Breast Lift

When you’re considering a mastopexy, you’ll be able to learn a lot from a consultation with your plastic surgeon. One of the factors the two of you will be discussing is the type of breast lift incision pattern that will be used with your lift. Mastopexy incision pattern options include crescent, donut, lollipop, and anchor. These all address different amounts[…]

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Breast Lift – Perky Breasts Miami Cosmetic Procedures

Drooping breasts can cause women to experience body-image issues, becoming depressed and self-conscious. For an effective long-term solution to drooping, we offer a surgical solution called the breast lift. When a breast lift is performed, the excess skin tissue that results in breast sagging is trimmed away. This leaves the patient with firmer, tighter breasts. There are numerous methods for[…]

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